Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Pleasant bike ride to Ananthgiri-Vikarabad

All these pictures convey one emotion through them... its JOY!!! And That will be the outcome when you have everything in place the way you want them to be.

             For the last five years I never focused on my weekends, not even the long weekends. I never tried to spend in the best way. But, these five years told me that we need to focus only on fun during weekends.. And This is my way of fun - To drive, travel and explore new places. AND take some good snaps which convert those moments into memories!!!

                 This time around, I decided to go to Ananthagiri (Vikarabad) on bike (initially wanted to go by train, but changed to bike - which made the journey an unforgettable one). Thanks To Suneel - he gave his Bangaram (Karizma) for my ride. Friday - Bhogi. For My Friend Muthu its not a holiday, its a working day. So, my order to him was to have a planned sick leave. :).

                 Muthu Hardly sees the sun rise and probably 13 Jan 2012 was just a miracle. He woke up by 5.40AM - rather I woke him up with five missed calls (he missed them intentionally). I thought THIS probably was the reason that 2012 - world is going to END. But, we still have 11 more months to enjoy :). After a big battle for 15min he had in choosing one between a shirt and a t-shirt, I declared it to be a tie. He wore both of them. We started off from his room at 7.30AM (I started from my home at 6.20AM and reached his room by 6.50AM - it took me those 40min to push him for the travel.)

                 Then, on our way, we had a photoshoot :) near chevella. The first pic in this post was one of the pix at photoshoot :). Such a beautiful morning it was and I started to feel the beauty in Telangaana region of Andhra Pradesh. After the photoshoot, we started again and stopped at UDUPI hotel in Chevella for our breakfast. After that, the next stop was only at Ananthagiri. It took us some three hours or so for the bike ride but the time we spent in temple for darshan and eating prasadam was hardly 20min :):).

We played around near Pushkarini of the temple for few min before the darshan and had another photoshoot in which Muthu showed some glimpses from mannerisms of PSPK's Panjaa:). From there, we started off to Bugga Rameswaram - temple of Lord Shiva(Water pops out from ground near the Siva Lingam in Temple and flows out. The place around was completely dry but don't know how its possible) . But on the way, Muthu was telling a Thriller story which reciprocates the feel of that location we were in. Its a deserted, dry area but can inspire us to write so many horror and thriller stories.

From Bugga Rameswaram temple, we started off to Naaga Samudram and Kotepalli Vagu project(Kotepalli dam). Below pic was in wait of our dearest leader Jagan to come and do Odaarpu yaatra for Me - since I was a victim of fuel price hike :).

This was a beautiful flower and can be seen there on the way to Kotepalli Dam. Its a dense forest with most of the trees without leaves. This place was also a deserted area. We can hardly find a human there.

This was near the Kotepalli Dam. It was a huge water storage dam and they say that there are crocodiles in the Dam. So, when you visit, be cautious.

On our way back to Hyderabad, we stopped at a place. I have no words to say about the place.

Below video was taken - in-promptu concept and .....

Route: Hyderabad --> APPA Junction --> Chevella--> Vikaarabad(73KM) --> Ananthagiri(80KM)

-->Bugga Rameswaram --> Kotepalli Dam --> Ananthagiri -->Vikaarabad--> Chevella

--> Hyderabad(210KM)

Accomodation and food available at Ananthagiri temple.

Nothing other than the temple was there in Bugga Rameswaram.(except cool drinks, biscuit packets, etc in a small pan shop)

Absolutely no food or facility available near the Kotepalli Dam.

For more photos: Click here

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